
NYU RDT Public Relations Coordinator

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Project Summary

As the lead PR coordinator for the NYU Robotics Design Team, I was of documenting the development of our rover through our social media presence.

These responsibilities also included handling external communication on behalf of the team and designing print media for various events we held during the year.

Our social media handles covered @NYURDT on Instagram/Facebook and NYU Robotics Design Team on Youtube!

  • Skills: Photoshop, Premier Pro, Illustrator, Canva
  • Date: September 2020 - June 2023
Style Guide

Our brand was reflective of the larger NYU label, so our color scheme and logo’s matched the preexisting style of the universities branding. As RDT was specifically part of the engineering subschool and we competed in the NASA lunabotics competition, our content was often styled with space imagery and tools.

Style Guide
Content Guide

As an educational page representing NYU, much of our content followed the documentation of our rovers development. We would also cover upcoming news and updates about our team and promotional events. The content I would create would usually fall within one of these categories:

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At the beginning and end of each copmetitve season, we would run recruitment campaigns to boost our number of applicants and to spread awareness of our team through both digital media and physical print.

Another one of our reoccurring campaigns included our Rising Violets campaign that would begin in September and end towards October, during which time I would post updates on our team and run promotions to our emailing list.

Leadership Features

As we welcomed and promoted members every year, I would post updates on our leadership team for each engineering division and provide some information on them.

I would also organize team photoshoots and interview members to feature them on our Instagram page. We would highlight new members who joined and celebrate our graduating seniors each season.

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Outreach Events

In anticipation of every outreach event we ran, I would post about it prior in order to garner awareness of our upcoming workshops.

I would attend each event and photograph our volunteers in action and document statistics for each workshops (partipants, grade level, etc).

Proof of Life Video

A major responsibility I had was editing the proof of life video required by NASA. Communicating with other engineers and project managers on the team allowed me to include all relevant information about our robot within the video that also fit the strict guidelines set by NASA. Our 2023 video had received a perfect score from the judges for our combined cinematographic and technical description of our robot.

Printed Boards

As mentioned previously, I would design print material for RDT’s various campaigns and events. Aside from flyers, I would also design research expo poster boards for our team to present during fairs and our NASA competition. These boards are meant to showcase the various subsections of our team and the work done on each one. In order to create these, I would communicate with leaders from each engineering subsection to gather the proper information and graphics to include.

Style Guide

Working as the PR coordinator for the NYU Robotics Design Team was a super valuable experience as it continued to teach me not only about social media management but engineering as well. As someone who came from a background in robotics, it was super interesting to get to mold together my love for media and photography along with documenting the development of the rover. I was able to learn so much about video editing and posting content to fit within very specific guidelines with information outside of my comfort zone. I learned to rely on my team and communicate openly in order to make sure that the proper information was expressed.

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